Dtech Systems developed the Hawy website from the scratch and made sure that they got the attention they deserved through website development. It was an online platform for selling hunting accessories that leaded to sales and company growth.

The client wanted the following aspects needed for the website:
- Details of all the products that show the complete range of accessories available at website
- Implement a payment method that ease the customers to pay online
- Multilingual website (English and Arabic)
- Mobile specific lay out for hand held devices
- All the products were properly displayed along with their details and prices on the website
- Paytabs implemented for online payment integration
- A simple click converts the website into other language to address multilingual support
- Optimized lay out design was made for the mobile devices
Some of The main features and services provided to Hawy.com are given below:
This section lists all the categories of products. Users can easily select any category and see the relevant products that they are interested in. The products prices are also mentioned along with every project.
Cart System:
Cart system is implemented in a way that when the user clicks on the cart icon above every product, then the user will be taken to another page and he’ll be able specify the quantity they want to purchase. The product will finally be added to the shopping cart after clicking on the add to cart button next to the quantity field.
The checkout process here involves 4 steps:
- The user can either login or even checkout as a guest.
- Users will have to provide shipping and billing details.
- Select the shipping method.
- Providing payment details. There are two payment methods integrated with the website. Sts Payone and Cash on delivery.
The e-commerce website supports 2 languages i.e English & Arabic.