Carefer helps users find the nearest car maintenance workshop in case of a car break down. It is the first and best car maintenance application that provide users an easy, reliable and guaranteed way to maintain their vehicle. Dtech Systems was hired to develop Android and iOS applications for Carefer to help the users know the exact locations of car maintenance workshops in the nearby areas across Riyadh.

- The fastest way of connecting users with workshops
- Getting all nearby workshops shown on the city map
- Integration of maps for the shortest route to the workshop
- Data collection & integration of the workshops in the app
The implementation of the Carefer application allows the user to:
- See a detailed city map integrated with Google maps
- Find the nearest car maintenance workshops
- Choose the best workshop reviewed by other users
- List of services along with their prices
- Option to navigate through map towards the selected workshop
- Get the car fixed from the best workshop and save time
Some of The main features and services provided to Carefer are given below:
Shops around you:
On the homepage, all the car shops near the user’s current location are displayed on the maps as pins with the estimated distance from the user’s current location. The filters are given to find the shops based on the service type, car brand, ratings and service types.
Orders placement:
The users can place their orders from the selected shop by selecting the car brand, car model and service. The users can call the shop owners and have the ability to navigate to the shop’s location via Google Maps.
Orders tracking:
All orders placed by the users are displayed on the screen where the users have the ability to view the details of their orders such as date of order placement, shop name and service details. The users can track their orders by calling the shop and navigating the orders along with checking its status.
Favorite shops:
From the list of all shops, the users have the ability to mark their favorite. All of the favorite marked shops are displayed on the favorite shops screen. The users are able to reach their favorite shops and place the desired orders respectively.